Emotional ABCs Classroom

Emotional ABCs Classroom provides teachers with sequential Workshops, support materials, and a flexible structure to teach Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) using the extensive resources of EmotionalABCs.com.

PREMIUM SINGLE USER: Our Premium Single User curriculum is designed for a single educator to present all 3 years of our Workshops to students in their classrooms. The program is primarily aimed at K-3 but the material's flexibility to be scaffolded allows it to be utilized in other grades too, as well as special education classrooms.

PREMIUM GROUPS: The Premium Group curriculum is designed as a consecutive three-year program for Grades from K-3. However, schools can and do use the materials for other grade pairings, or simply for a single year, depending on their specific needs.

Emotional ABCs Classroom in Action

  • Support materials are free to teachers and easily accessible through EmotionalABCs.com. These include video, online presentation, and printables.
  • All workshops use a recurring set of teaching techniques, classroom management skills and time-blocking.
  • Online Workshops have direct links to online activities for quick access. Links open in new windows for ease of presentation to the classroom. Print versions of the Workshops have clearly marked paths to locate online activities.
  • Support PDFs and additional resources are available within: Top Tabs > Teachers > Print Library.

A Note about ‘Scripts’

Each workshop uses suggested scripts to convey concepts, but we encourage you to adjust or rewrite the workshops to best meet the needs of your specific classroom and teaching style. The workshops present emotional skills in a sequential order and guide you through the Emotional ABCs resources.

"I feel..." Statements

When discussing emotions, Emotional ABCs uses 'I feel..." statements, such as "I feel excited to go on a trip." People might say, for example, "I am sad," which builds the idea of a fixed personality or emotion. Emotional ABCs Classroom wants students to understand that emotions, like the weather, change and do not define a personality.

Student Participation

Traditionally, students learn emotional skills by observing and modeling behavior seen within the family unit. Emotional ABCs Classroom adds to a child’s current capabilities and creates a common language within the classroom to facilitate better classroom communication. Emotional ABCs recognizes that students come from different backgrounds, express themselves in varied ways, and not all students may be comfortable speaking up, sharing, or acting in the classroom.

Flexibility with 'Correct' Answers

Emotional ABCs Classroom aims to inspire imaginative and individual thought processes. As such, Workshops and online activities may give suggested ‘correct’ answers at times, but there are no 'prescriptive' answers. If useful, please point out to students the ‘Multiple Correct Answers’ icon on many of Emotional ABCs online activities.

‘Choose Your Partner’ or ‘Group Students in Pairs.’

Emotional ABCs Classroom uses these phrases when a Workshop calls for students to have a short conversation with a nearby student. Teachers can create partnerships in any way that works with their classroom techniques, and we encourage variations in partnerships. These phrases are simply a short-hand instruction to indicate the classroom set-up.

Printable Versions of Workshops

Some PDFs are presented in a full color version but should work well if printed in black and white. Additionally, a printable version of each Workshop can be accessed from the online Overview Page of each Workshop or from the Emotional ABCs Resource Library. Path: Top Tabs > Teachers > Print Library.

Unlock/Lock Feature of EmotionalABCs.com

Educator Accounts: All Educator Accounts are unlocked. This allows the user to access any page or link in the program at any time.

Parent/Student Accounts: Student sign-in accounts associated with a Premium Group subscription are initially locked. A locked account is designed to keep an individual student on track to go through the program in sequence, therefore building upon previously learned skills. To unlock a Premium Group student account:

  • Teachers can go to the student's individual Detail page (through the classroom roster) and choose the Unlock button for a specific student.
  • Parents cannot unlock a student account and will require a teacher to unlock the individual student account.


The Overview articulates the workshop's SEL focus, describes the workshop objective, lists links and locations of support materials needed from EmotionalABCs.com, lists standard classroom materials required, and gives suggested connections to Core Curriculum standards in other disciplines.

Quick Glance

The Quick Glance provides a ‘cheat sheet’ for the teacher. Each time-block of the Workshop is summarized, and links are provided for online activities.


Warm-ups review previous material or foreshadow the upcoming Mini-Lesson. They use some aspect of Emotional ABCs.com (video or online activities) or physical movement/breathing exercises.

Teaching Techniques often used for Warm-Ups:

  • Tech – Videos or Activities from EmotionalABCs.com
  • Discussion - Commentary about any Video/Media being used for Warm-Up.
  • Modeling - Teacher models some aspect of the program and students follow the teacher’s lead.


Mini-Lessons present the Workshop’s learning goal. Mini-Lessons follow a structure of: 1) Teaching Point; 2) Model; 3) Student-to-Student Interaction; 4) Restate Teaching Point.

Teaching Techniques often used for Mini-Lessons:

  • Teacher Says – A short script presents the concept of the workshop. Support materials are often used to emphasize the Mini-Lesson objective. Teacher should adjust script to best suit their classroom.
  • Modeling - Teacher demonstrates the stated goal of the Mini-Lesson.
  • Discussion - Mini-Lesson goal is phrased to encourage discussion between students.
  • Tech – Videos or Activities from EmotionalABCs.com


Interactive activities provide students a ‘hands-on’ opportunity to experience the Mini-Lesson goal. The content of each Workshop Activity varies, but the Activities section uses only a handful of teaching techniques, allowing students to become familiar with classroom procedures so that classroom time is used efficiently.

Teaching Techniques often used for Activity:

  • Drama Games - Using small or large groups, students interact with each other to role-play or to imagine, ‘What If?’ scenarios.
  • Small Group Discussion/Presentation - Groups of 2-3 discuss the topic, plan a response and present their work in full classroom discussions.
  • Vote with Your Feet - Students ‘vote’ on answers to questions by moving to designated locations around the classroom.
  • Acting – Students display visual emotional clues with face, body, or behavior.
  • Tech – Videos or Activities from EmotionalABCs.com
  • Games – Includes card games, bingo, other activities


Share-out opens the discussion to student questions and/or to a reiteration of the Mini-Lesson goal.

Teaching Techniques often used for Share-Out:

  • Full Class/Full Group Share - All students have an opportunity to share.
  • Targeted Share - Teacher calls on selected students for a response and develops a class conversation from their comments.
  • Charting – Teacher records the results of student activities and generates a class conversation based on the responses.


Students work independently to document their understanding of the workshop. After review, the teacher keeps the Self-Reflection pages for each student in order to create an end-of-curriculum Workbook for each student.

Teaching Techniques often used for Self-Reflection:

  • Defined-Worksheet PDF - Students are asked for specific answers to demonstrate understanding.
  • Open-Worksheet PDF - Students are given a prompt that encourages personal responses and creativity to demonstrate understanding.
  • Free-Form - Drawing, writing, storytelling or other teacher-chosen activity with a flexible format.

Student Workbook

At the end of the first 20 Workshops, each student’s Self-Reflection pages from the Workshops are combined with additional support pages, to create their individualized take-home reference Workbook. Support pages can include printables, vocabulary, Moody Cards, The Playbook, etc. All of these materials are available within EmotionalABCs.com.

Parent-Teacher Communication Letters

These letters can be used to inform parents of the class activities and goals during each Unit of Emotional ABCs Classroom.
Parent-Teacher Communication Letters PDF
Parent-Teacher Communication Letters (Spanish) PDF

EmotionalABCs.com Information Flyer

This flyer gives parents more information about EmotionalABCs.com.
Information Flyer EmotionalABCs.com PDF
Information Flyer EmotionalABCs.com (Spanish) PDF

Our Resource Locator allows teachers to quickly match Social Emotional Learning competencies with Workshops and Units within the curriculums.
SEL Competencies: Resource Locator PDF


Emotional ABCs® program and materials and information contained therein are not a substitute for medical, psychological, psychiatric, or mental health advice or recommendations and do not constitute any kind of medical treatment, counseling, therapy or advice. Emotional ABCs® is not to be used to diagnose or treat a mental health problem or as a substitute for consulting a medical or mental health professional. Mental health diagnoses and treatment should be provided only by a qualified mental health professional.

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